Frequently Asked Questions
This is where you will find most answers. If there should still be any questions left, don't hesitate to contact us.
- As long as you are paid up, you will have access to all future JoomFuse versions and updates at no extra cost.
- You will have complete access to the private JoomFuse VIP Member Community including the Forum and Support.
You will need a Joomla website (3.x or higher, 4.x or higher recommended) and your Keap application. If you want paid memberships for your website, you will need the Keap e-commerce module. For more details, see Terms & Conditions.
You may keep using the version of JoomFuse you have. You will no longer have access to download future versions or updates. You will no longer have access to receive direct support from JoomFuse. You will not have access to post in the JoomFuse forum.
We do have a partner program. If interested, please Contact Us for more information.
We have built many websites in our Joomla for clients and would be happy to discuss your website vision. Contact us to set up a phone call or Skype/Zoom session.
JoomFuse is compatible with Joomla! version 3.x or higher. However, we highly recommend version Joomla V4.3.3 or higher is recommended.
No problem, we can help with that. Go here for a 14-day free trial of Keap. Or contact us directly and we’ll work with you to get you the best version and deal possible.
If you plan to have paid memberships for your website, you will need the Keap Max Classic’s e-commerce module. For more details, see Terms & Conditions.
- When you login to the JoomFuse VIP Member Community, you’ll find written and video setup instruction.
- In addition, we offer a Premium JumpStart Package which you can purchase either when you buy JoomFuse or JFPortal or after you login to the JoomFuse VIP Member Community.
- You’ll also have access to the JoomFuse Member Forum where there is a Support section.
- Need additional help with Keap? If you need help with other aspects of Keap besides setting up JoomFuse, we offer comprehensive Keap and marketing consulting through our marketing agency, Zacaw Enterprises. Check us out at
Using JoomFuse and JFPortal
Contact us and we'll help you get set up to add JF Portal to your site. You will be charged at the JF Portal rate only.
When you purchase JoomFuse, you receive a single domain license. You may purchase additional JoomFuse licenses for each of your domains. Bundle pricing is available for 5 or more domains. Contact us to discuss.
You’ll find written and video instruction when you login to the JoomFuse VIP Member Community.
- Yes you can. After you buy JoomFuse and get your login access details, you will have access to written and video set-up instructions.
- If you don’t want to set up JoomFuse yourself, we offer a Premium JumpStart Package which you will have the opportunity to purchase either when you buy JoomFuse or after you login to the JoomFuse VIP Member Community.
JoomFuse offers an optional integration to version 1.9.1 and 2.7.x of the popular Community Builder.
- JoomFuse also offers optional integration with version 4.7.x and 4.8.x of JomSocial for both custom fields and for JomSocial affinity groups.
- JoomFuse will also map fields in the Joomla User Profile plugin (plg_user_profile) as well as any User Profile plugin that adheres to the Joomla standard for User Profile plugins
JoomFuse also maps Joomla User custom fields.
- Other integrations are in the works. If you'd like to vote for a particular extension, tell us here.
- Currently there is no additional cost to current paid members.
JoomFuse offers a DONE4YOU Premium JumpStart Package. If you didn't purchase it when you signed up for JoomFuse, you can login to the JoomFuse VIP Member Community where you can check it out.